Thank you for applying or nominating for a JEA award. 

To submit an award application, create a submittable account. This is not tied to your JEA account. Through your Submittable account you will be able to complete the award submission form in stages and your progress is saved. 

All parts of the award submission form must be completed by the award deadline to be eligible. 

Sister Rita Jeanne Scholarships, named for JEA’s longtime treasurer, recognize the top high school journalists in the country. The contest begins at the state level. Winning portfolios from state Journalist of the Year competitions are eligible for the JEA scholarship, which awards $4,000 to the top winner and $1,200 each for up to five runners-up. This form must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. CST on March 15.

Deadline: March 15

About the Award

The purpose of the Student Journalist Impact Award is to recognize a secondary school student (or a team of students who worked on the same entry) who, through the study and practice of journalism, has made a significant difference in his/her own life, the lives of others, the school he/she attends and/or the community in which he/she resides. (NOTE: This is not a scholarship competition. Do not send transcripts.)

This award is co-sponsored by the Journalism Education Association and the Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society for High School Journalists. The award recognizes secondary school students who, through the practice of journalism, have made a significant difference in the lives of others.

Entry Criteria

  • Teachers/advisers may nominate students or students may nominate themselves for this award. (More than one student per entry per school is permissible.)
  • The entry must be that of a secondary school student(s) whose teacher/adviser is a JEA member at the time it was published, broadcast or created.
  • The entry must be original student work and must have been published within two years preceding the deadline. Date of publication/production must be indicated.

Application Form

  • The entry will include URLs or PDF uploads of the article, series of articles (as it/they appeared in print), or multimedia that made the impact.
  • A narrative of at least 250 words explaining why the piece or series was produced and how the entry impacted the individuals, others, the school and/or community. Include, if any, media coverage that the entry generated in the community.
  • Three letters, uploaded as PDFs, attesting to the impact of the work from the adviser, a school administrator, professional journalist and/or member of the community (parent, student, resident). The impact of the work, not the author(s), should be the focus.

This award encourages junior high and middle school students to continue with journalistic studies in high school. This award will acknowledge and reward the work of junior high and middle school students. One overall winner and up to five runners-up, based on the amount of total entries, will be selected each year.
One nominee per school. The adviser must be a member of JEA. Submissions are due by March 15 at 11:59 p.m. Central time.

Journalism Education Association